Nama : Fitri Nurlia Mandasari
Kelas : 3EB22
NPM : 22211921
Mk : Bahasa Inggris 2
Matic motor is designed as a motor or gear type coupling, but the advantages and
disadvantages matic
motor is also relatively balanced between the two. Matic motor characteristic lies in the ease of operation for the motor matic generation no longer use or clutch gear to run it. This practical motor design that is suitable for use by women because of the ease of use. Good market response is matic motor is its own advantages, namely: Easy to drive - it brings the concept of motor matic step on the gas enough to advance. It welcomed the riders who want the ease of a woman other than that, this type of motor is easy to learn for beginners. Comfortable driving - The state of the roads jammed users must make smart driving. With the motor matic, don’t have to bother to set-set gear when the traffic and so pull the motor brake stops. Matic agile - Body matic generally short and slim so it is practical to travel by vehicle situation and jammed solid.
Excess motor matic discussed, obviously very convincing matic better to choose, but there are some weak points matic first need to know before deciding to buy it. Some of them are: Matic motor is more wasteful of fuel - the situation is certainly occur if the motor fuel consumption compared to the motor matic manual (gear). Why be wasteful?? matic because relying only pull the gas that produce centrifugal force to mrmutar wheeled vehicles. Motor matic wasteful if a traffic jam or uphill because the engine work harder to drive the motor. In contrast to the motor manually to adjust the state of the road with the tooth so that the work doesn’t become too heavy machines. Motor components rather vulnerable - Some of the components that should be the point of care is part beltnya. That is part of the motor that set the centrifugal component to set the wheels in order to conform with the required speed. Belt usage has reached the maximum limit should be changed immediately, but the price is still quite expensive.Therefore matic way of treating this must be done carefully. Fast engine hot - Work matic machine must work harder than the engine manual. The use of liquid cooler on automatic motorcycle manufacturers have developed the motor current. Its purpose is to control the engine temperature to remain stable.